Ancient style thread tassel notebook
Ancient style thread tassel notebook
Ancient style thread tassel notebook
Ancient style thread tassel notebook
Ancient style thread tassel notebook
Ancient style thread tassel notebook
Ancient style thread tassel notebook
Ancient style thread tassel notebook
Ancient style thread tassel notebook
Ancient style thread tassel notebook
Ancient style thread tassel notebook
Ancient style thread tassel notebook
Ancient style thread tassel notebook
Ancient style thread tassel notebook
Ancient style thread tassel notebook
Ancient style thread tassel notebook
Ancient style thread tassel notebook
Ancient style thread tassel notebook
Ancient style thread tassel notebook
Ancient style thread tassel notebook
Ancient style thread tassel notebook
Ancient style thread tassel notebook
Ancient style thread tassel notebook
Ancient style thread tassel notebook

Ancient style thread tassel notebook

$13.90 $15.00
Style: A 凤凰
A 凤凰
B 九尾狐
C 朱雀
D 金线荷花图
E 清明上河图
F 千里江山图
G 宋徽宗瑞鹤图
H 兰亭集序
I 果熟来禽图
J 枇杷山鸟图
K 仙鹤灵芝图
L 梅竹燕子
M 玉兰太平鸟
N 桃花黄鹂
O 牡丹蜜蜂
P 海棠白头翁
Q 石榴长寿鸟
R 百合蝴蝶
S 兰花蜜蜂
T 菊花蚂蚱
U 梅花麻雀
Ancient style famous painting thread tassel notebook (80pages)
Size:14cm x 21cm

Meticulously Crafted Materials in Bemy

High-iron Clay

Selected high-iron clay produces a deep black hue, excellent heat retention, and enhanced tea aroma for a refined tasting experience.

Natural Mineral Glaze

Natural mineral glaze, high-fired for unique "oil spot" and "hare’s fur" patterns, offers rich color variations, blending functionality with artistic beauty in each teacup.

Pure Handcrafting: The Unique Artistry in Bemycups

Bemy cups are purely handcrafted, reflecting ancient pottery techniques. Each stage—material selection, shaping, glazing, and firing—requires skill and experience, making every piece unique. The natural patterns formed during firing add warmth, artistry, and a personal touch to the tea experience.

Originality Behind Bemy

Bemy boasts a skilled artisan team, including dozens of master craftsmen and hundreds of highly trained artisans. Each Jian Zhan piece is designed by master craftsmen, who carefully plan materials, textures, and details. Skilled artisans then handcraft each teacup under strict guidance, ensuring exceptional quality and artistry in every piece.